Wednesday, May 2, 2012

So You Say It's My Birthday...

Thirty seven.  There's something a little...oh...I don't know...old about that number.  It probably doesn't help that with all of this weight, within the last week it's become difficult and time consuming to move.  When I do actually move around, and especially up stairs, I suck wind.  When I'm sitting still, I'm achy.  And some time while I was sleeping last night, I lost my ankles.  So I FEEL old, and look...stuffed.  (I really considered posting a picture here that the Husband took this morning to show you the "stuffed" look, but it turns out that I do have a little bit of vanity left.  I just can't do it.)

Regardless, I'm going to have a good birthday.  There will be cake and fish tacos, and I'll get flowers.  I'll be around people I love to death.  Everyone in my family -- including the immediate family that I was born into and the one I married into -- are healthy.  My babies are growing (3 lbs, and 3 lbs 4 oz, respectively, as of yesterday).  And even though things are getting more difficult, I'm still not on bedrest.  For these things, I am grateful, and looking forward, I know this is going to be a hell of a year!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to my friend and the best Mom of a teenager, a toddler and pending twins EVER. I hope you had a fabulous day!
    And, 37 is YOUNG. I remember 37...years and years ago. And you're only as old as you look. Which in your case is 25. :-)
