Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In Other News

First, The Husband's sister, Sarah, and our niece, Kayla, visited this weekend.  They live in New York, and we don't get to see them nearly often enough.  Zachary is so much more verbal than when they last visited, and he made it absolutely clear that he adores his cousin "Kay-ya."

Showing Aunt Sarah the "strawbabies" in the garden
Kayla was so sweet and patient with Zachary!

It was even fun just sitting around and watching tv.  Looking forward to the next visit!
Second, Zachary got funky with Roar's sunglasses (and we found out that Zachary enjoys being shirtless almost as much as he enjoys being not wearing pants):

And in baby news, I had an ultrasound yesterday at 29 weeks, 5 days.  Our son is measuring in the 45th percentile, and our daughter is in the 32nd.  Both have a little excess amniotic fluid on them, which led the perinatologist to not-so-tactfully voice his suspicions that I have gestational diabetes, despite the fact that I recently passed -- albeit just barely -- the one-hour glucose tolerance test.  I won't lie, I freaked out just a little, but mostly because the peri lacked any kind of bedside manner, and would not tell me how my children were being affected by excess fluid.  But I spoke to my OB (and might've used some inappropriate language to describe the peri), but he is not concerned with the results, and is happy with the babies' growth.  He told me that he'd tell me when to worry, and now is not the time.  I found that comforting.

Lastly, an urgent plea to my ankles:  Please come back.  It's only now that these imposter "cankles" have taken your place do I realize that I never fully appreciated you.  I won't make that mistake again.  Give me another chance.  xoxox


  1. I LOVE your letter to your ankles. Haaaahaa!
    And "gestational diabetes?" Really? How can there be a discrepancy about that? It either is or it isn't, right? Grrr! Sometimes doctors really do grate the nerves!!! Who cares if they have extra fluid? I thought it was only bad if they had too little fluid? Ugh!
    Also..."strawbabies?" ADORABLE! Leave it to Zachary to call those cute red fruits exactly what they ought to have been called in the first place. Your child is a poet. I love him.

  2. One other thing about the possible GD. That better not be the case. When one is tremendously pregnant and can no longer see one's ankles, the only thing one has left is dessert.
    That peri better NOT take that from you.
