Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Cast

I've been putting off starting this blog because there was so much pressure on this first post to capture all that I want this blog to be. However, by letting the enormity of the first post stand in my way, I've neglected opportunities to document some beautiful and delicious moments in our lives.

So I've reset my standard for this post: It will likely suck. It might even suck hard. It is certain to have formatting issues that I will not resolve. But it will be the first post. And it will be done.

Let me introduce you to the main characters:

"The Husband" -- Love the man, hate the beard. (Luckily, it's gone now. Unfortunately, it will return next winter.) He's my opposite in almost every way possible: politically, religiously, temperamentally, and in the fact that he's a cleaning-averse, melanin-lacking, spelling-challenged extrovert who needs little sleep. We think each other is crazy; he ponders about it aloud and with expletives, I mostly confine such thoughts to my head. Despite his misguided beliefs, he's loyal, loving, funny, and beautiful. I am lucky that he's the father of my children and The Husband of me.

"Roar" (as my youngest son likes to call him) -- Teenage boy. Although that presents challenges (mostly in the olfactory and motivation sense), I never forget that in the scheme of things, he's pretty fantastically awesome. Best. Brother. EVER. Gives kisses goodnight, even when mad. Runs errands without complaint, even when the request interrupts tv watching. Because I didn't spend enough time with him during his formative years, he's adopted some of his father's political leanings, an inability to spell, and a preference for the color orange. Smart, funny, kind, outgoing, athletic, and crazy handsome. Will rule the world someday.

"Zachary" (as I like to call him) -- Toddler boy. Kills me daily with his cuteness. More than anything, loves his brother, his grandmothers, slides, balls, motorcycles, "a bit of water," not wearing pants, and being "outshide." Can flip out unexpectedly, or expectedly, such as when he's told to go inshide or put on pants. A constant source of bliss and warmth.

[Pictures to come]
"The Babies" (or "Baby A" and "Baby B," as the docs like to call my girl and boy twins, respectively) -- Currently 27 weeks old, a little over 2lbs. Remarkably well behaved, but have been known to sit on each others' heads and kick each other in the face on occasion. I'm hoping to keep them safe and warm until 38 weeks, when I'll finally be able to love them and hug them and call them [to be announced later].

And then there's me. My intro is on the side of this blog, and it would seem self-centered to introduce myself yet again, don't you think? There are also more people who make our lives so much easier, fulfilling, and fun, but they'll be introduced later.

Welcome to the story of my family.

P.S. Happy Birthday, Uncle Mark!


  1. YAYYYYYY!!!! Angel has a blog! Angel has a blog! is hysterical! I laughed like 7 or 8 times just reading about the (amazing and super-cute) people in your life. ("Because I didn't get to spend too much time with him in his formative years..." Bwahahaa! "Inshide!" LMAO!) If this short intro into your family is indicative of what's to come, I am hooked! And boy oh boy, I cannot wait to meet these two babies who sit on each other's heads and kick each other in the face. P.S. If my own twin boys are an indication, they will likely do this outside the womb, as well. And plenty often.

  2. Beautiful. All of you. Glad you started a blog, you write well. Missing you. Sending our love.
