Monday, April 23, 2012


In the ultimate act of defiance, this little boy has yet again refused to stay a baby forever.

Roar had the nerve to turn fifteen this year.  Fifteen!  It's bad enough that he's gotten so tall (5'8") that I have to look up to him, but this year we're going to have to succumb to societal pressure and allow this child to get behind the wheel of a car (yes, this child who has not remembered to write down an upcoming test in his planner since third grade is going to have to remember how to navigate a four-way stop).  We might even let him date, but as I've told him, she must be a straight-A student and otherwise have all the qualities that will make him a better student and person (The Husband says this is very Sri Lankan of me – I say it's common sense).  Even then, I've advised my son that I will hate her.  Maybe he'll just be too busy studying and playing sports that he won't even think about dating until he's at least 18.  It could happen.  But alas, it seems that at some point, I'm going to have to accept that my child has turned into a young man against my wishes.

We had a quiet celebration with steak and cake and presents (namely, an Oakley backpack, and, because he never has enough shoes for his liking, a Nike gift card).  His friend, Ryan, spent the night playing video games with him, and during an upcoming non-rainy weekend, the Husband will take Roar and a couple of his friends to play paintball.

Roar, I'm nervous that sooner than I care to admit, I'm going to have to let you go to make your own mistakes and suffer a broken heart or two.  It'll happen, I promise.  But now, at fifteen, I'm still gonna be all up in your bidness, I'm still going to nag you about your homework, I'm going to constantly worry out loud about your ability to drive, and I WILL hunt you down if I don't know where you are.  It's partially because you refused to stay a baby.  But mostly, it's because I love you like crazy.  And never forget that despite my nagging, I am infinitely proud of you.

Happy Birthday, Not-So-Little Man!


  1. Quit making me cry at 9 o'clock in the morning, will ya? Sheesh.
    Also, awwwww! You're awesome. Hey! Does the fact that Cary and Dean's future GFs will have to be stellar students, good people from good families, sweet, kind, innocent etc. make *me* Sri Lankan too? If so, I kinda dig that.

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