Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day (Another Belated Post)

There was so much going on this weekend with Zachary's birthday and The Husband's graduation, that I'm afraid that our mothers did not get the time and attention (and certainly not the gifts) that they deserved.  But there are some things that I wanted to say about them.

My mother is the most giving woman I've ever met.  If I ever need anything, my mom will always be here for me.  She and my dad have driven 18 hours from Iowa just to babysit Zachary when I've needed her to.  Repeatedly.  She's the one I want nearby in an emergency.  She'll make me curtains, throw pillows, and gorgeous flower arrangements.  When I go to work, she manages to find a way to play all day with Zachary, clean my entire house, and have dinner ready when I come home.  There are several things, however, that this woman can't do:  (1) she can't accept a compliment; (2) she can't comprehend the value of a good cheese; (3) she cannot go more than a couple of days without saying at least a few things that make me go: "Wha???" (you know what I mean, mom); (4) she can't stop feeding my children Oreos or say "no" to Zachary when he wants to use her computer; and (5) she can't be bothered to take the time to do things just for herself.  If I could give her anything, it would be the confidence and happiness from really realizing how lucky we are to have her, and how incredibly fortunate my kids are to have her for a grandmother.

My other mother (The Husband's mother) is the kind of mother I want to be.  She's an incredibly hard worker, but is always there for her kids.  She's the kind of person you want to tell your troubles to (and everyone does -- she always knows what's going on with everyone in the family!).  She makes batches and batches of cookies at Christmas.  She has this sweet, easy laugh that she passed on to The Husband, and I hope it gets passed on to my kids as well.  She's up for new things, and you can pretty much count on her to enjoy the experience.  But mostly, I want to be like her because she raised my husband to be the kind of guy who will spend two weekends and countless hours looking for and then fixing a car for his sister, opens doors for people, offers to help people with flat tires or otherwise broken cars, buys me flowers, volunteers to coach his son's football teams, and is loyal and generous.  That's because of an awesome mom! 

Happy belated Mother's Day, moms!  Thank you for all that you do.  We love you!

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