Saturday, May 12, 2012

Zachary's Second Birthday!!

As the day came closer, I felt more and more guilty that I hadn't planned anything.  But I had been certain that I would be on bedrest, and I didn't want to plan a party that The Husband would have to attempt to execute.  So, for Zachary's second birthday, there was a little bit of spontaneity and a lack of other two year olds.  It turned out to be a big success. 

Look, what is that, Zachary?
Yep, you're right: It's a bouncy house!  Nevermind that you're not having a party with your little friends, and nevermind that there are no (sane and supervised) children in the neighborhood or that Kayla won't be here until this has to leave, but mama got a good deal, and she's a little crazy.  And there's a slide!  What more could you want on your birthday??
(Zachary says, "New Slide!!!!!")

There was also lots more outdoor fun with a new t-ball set:

a new basketball hoop:
 and the ever-so-famous lacrossketball:
There were presents, a cookout, and cake.  Present were some of Zachary's favorite people: Roar, Parti, Parta, Nonna, Aunt Sarah, Kayla, and Miss Cindy.

We could've gotten away with just buying him this wrapping paper -- he loved that there were bulldozers on it!

Overall, it was a great day.  Happy second birthday, my sweet baby boy!

(Two-year-old stats:  27 lbs, 34.5 inches, and talking, talking, talking -- he can say almost anything he wants now, but the quirkiest is "me too" which comes out as "I do me.")

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