Wednesday, May 23, 2012


My blood pressure has crept up at various times throughout this pregnancy, so I'm on medication to control it.  We started at a low dose, and as needed, my doctor has upped the dosage.  Last week, we maxed out on the amount of medication I can take, and pursuant to my doctor's recommendation, I had my last day in the office (it's all working from home now).  Although my blood pressure stayed down for a few days, it started rising again, so much so that I thought on Monday I'd be sent to the hospital for bedrest.  Luckily, that didn't happen.  I go back to the OB today, where they'll continue monitoring me to make sure I'm not developing pre-eclampsia.

I'm so bummed about this situation.  I thought my biggest worry would be premature labor, as it is common when pregnant with multiples.  But instead, my babies might have to be born early without me ever going into labor, just because carrying them longer is too hard on my heart.  That doesn't seem right -- it will be a million times harder on my heart for these kids to be born so early that they'll have health problems and I won't be able to hold them and comfort them after their births.  I was such a protective hormonal wreck after Zachary was born that I bawled during his whole circumcision even though he was in a different room, and was again crying hysterically and having visions of slapping a nurse when she was getting a blood sample from him for a test; if they whisk these babies off to the NICU after they're born, god help us all...

These pictures don't have anything to do with anything, except that seeing cute pictures of my boys must lower my blood pressure!  And seeing this scene did make me smile over the weekend, so I'm posting them here.  Although you can't tell from his expression, Zachary loved driving the lawnmower!

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey! I know this must make you sick, sick, sick. Stupid blood pressure! Can't you just like, take a valium? Or drink a bottle of wine? Oh, wait. You're pregnant. Dang. Conundrum.
    OK, this might be entirely unhelpful, but I wonder if there are any alternative things you can try? I'm a huge fan of western medicine, don't get me wrong, but I also know it ain't everything. Can you do some much-abridged form of yoga? Take hot baths every day? Zen out to some soothing music? I don't know. I'm just wondering if your brain isn't so full of work obligations, caring for kids, running a household, preparing for babies, etc., that it might be affecting your pressure. And even though the main culprit is carrying two human beings in your petite little figure, maybe it would help if you could just relax some?? You know that word, don't you? At least I know we used to know it, way back before the babies came along.
    I don't know. Either way, it will all be OK. It really will. I'm praying for you and your skinny little arteries. (See what comes of being so thin, hot mama!)
