Thursday, May 17, 2012

Parti and Parta's Visit

My mom and dad were here for a little over a week before the hectic birthday/graduation/Mother's Day weekend.  I always love when they visit, because I get to sleep.  Yeah, yeah, it's nice to see them too, but the sleep thing is awesome.  It's magical, really.  It works like this:  Zachary wakes up at...for lack of a better term...a FREAKIN' ridiculous hour.  I would go in, get to hear my son excitedly say, "Mama!!" (which is the best thing about having to get up at a FREAKIN' ridiculous hour), change a diaper, snuggle and read some books, and then on the way to my room to brush teeth, linger slightly too long in front of my mom's closed door so that my son will feel the need to knock and say "Want. To. See. Paaaaartiii!"  Then my mom gets sucked into the cuteness.  I back away slowly, and go back to bed. 

They've left us for now, but mom will be back in a couple of weeks to take care of me before the babies arrive.  So it's back to early mornings for me, except on the weekends, when The Husband gets sucked into the cuteness and guilt (earlier, he'd try to say something like, "I'm tired," but it was always beat out by "I'm pregnant with twins" -- now he just gets up).  

But I wanted to post some pictures from this last week, because Zachary had so much fun with them.
Even brushing teeth is more fun with Parti

Goofing around with Parta
I cannot tell you how many times I caught these two with Oreos
 And then there was learning how to "slam dunk!" from five-foot-nuthin'-brown people:

 And of course, Parti was always willing to share her computer:
Thank you for coming to see us, Parti and Parta!  We'll see you again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Totally digging your early morning, pass-the-child-off-to-doting-grandparents tactics. You are a woman after my own heart. Now, if only my mother were a woman after your mother's own heart.
    That little dance Zachary looks like he is doing in that one picture? TOO cute!! He looks like such a happy little guy. I love it!
