Tuesday, May 29, 2012


On this long weekend, things got accomplished!  Woo hoo!

Here's what we can cross off of the things-to-do-asap list:
  • Pack a go-bag
  • Purchase two Rock 'n Plays (I think these will be easier to handle than your traditional bassinet)
  • Buy a carseat
  • Buy a couple of premie outfits and lots of newborn sleepers (and then do laundry)
  • Buy new nipples for our bottles and a new bottle and nipple brush
  • Buy diapers
Okay, so maybe that's not terribly impressive, but I'm confident that we have what we absolutely have to have if these babies were to come home tomorrow.  Which they're not going to even think about doing.  For the other stuff, I started a registry so that The Husband will have a list of my precise wishes.  As we gather up 20% off Babies R Us coupons, we'll tackle those items.

There was also some progress on the nursery.  This nursery is all about recycling, which is requiring a little more work than I anticipated, but the boys worked hard on it this weekend.  First, we had inherited two cribs from one of The Husband's bosses.  They are very nice, very expensive cribs that don't match in color or style; one is modern and black, the other is classic and white.  Initially, I thought we'd just pick one of the cribs and buy a matching one online, but even that is incredibly costly.  Ultimately, after I threw a minor hormone-induced bratty tantrum about not getting the nursery I envisioned, some cheap sob managed to convince me that we should make it work, and darnit, if The Husband wasn't right for one time in his life...  It's coming together beautifully.  The boys painted the white crib black to exactly match the color of the other crib.  And instead of selling our old furniture in the guest room, they painted the large double dresser black to match as well.  I was afraid of all of that black, but the dresser is back in the room and it looks great.  I haven't seen the cribs together yet, and it could still look funky, but it would be irresponsible to waste a gift like that, especially when we don't have -- and won't have any time soon -- extra money laying around.  I can't wait to show you the final product, but the rest of the furniture still needs to be cleaned out of the room, a mural needs to be sanded over, and the walls need to be painted before even a partial reveal.  But we're getting there!

In the meantime, mom arrived yesterday to take care of me before the babies arrive.  Now that she's here, I'm able to be on a more strict bedrest.  This is not how I intended to spend my last few weeks of having Zachary as my only baby, but as far as he is concerned now that Parti is here, I'm chopped liver.  Instead of just sitting with me on the couch, now he has someone to play with outshide.  And it's a bonus that she comes with cookies.  But I should be happy that he hasn't completely forgotten about his mama -- he just came stomping upstairs with more "fowers for mama!!" -- 2 dandelions he found in the garden.  Have I mentioned that I love this boy?

1 comment:

  1. Whoo-hooo! Glad to see things are moving in the right direction. You are getting a lot done, and I am proud of you! I am also very impressed that you gave up your dreams of a gorgeous, Tori-Spelling-worthy nursery for a more affordable, and still beautiful (I'm sure) nursery that will be just perfect for your two little sweeties. I can't wait to see how you and your enviable craftiness turn that nursery into a thing of beauty!
    Speaking of sweeties, your little boy is so much sweeter than mine. Mine never give me anything unprompted but a hard time. I'm so not kidding.
    P.S. I am taking bets on when your babies will arrive, based on your last conversation with your doctor. I am betting on my birthday -- June 11. Here's why: My very, very good friend Neelofer married a man whose birthday is June 11th, thereby ensuring that she can never come visit me for a birthday/girls' weekend. Also, that is when my other very, very good friend Kelly had her baby, turning my birthday into a day when I must go to a kid's party, and she feels obligated to stay home and be with her instead of going out drinking and carousing with me. So why not have your two babies born on that day, as well, thereby ensuring that even YOU will be distracted from celebrating me on my birthday?! Why not? You already refuse to get together with me for no good reason. Now you'll have TWO good reasons. Sigh.
