Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

This year, in preparation for Halloween, we visited a pumpkin patch, picked out the perfect pumpkins, and carved them.  Actually, although Zachary picked out his pumpkin, he refused to help carve it because he did not want to get pumpkin goo on his hands (pictures and video to come as soon as I figure out where I put the little camera...).

Come Halloween, we had a Tampa Bay Buccaneer,

a funky pink kitty,
a silly puppy,

and a good big brother.

Zachary had good intentions with regard to trick-or-treating -- he said he was going to ask neighbors for candies for Parti, Daddy, Roar, and Mama -- but when it came to executing this plan, he was reluctant.  I figured that our shy guy just needed some practice, so we had him trick-or-treat at our house.

In the end, he was happy with the two packs of M&Ms that he picked out, and was more than willing to call it a night.  What are the chances that next year will be this easy? 


  1. Conor in the puppy suit!! Be still my heart! Both babies are totally adorable! Cute as can be! I love baby Halloween outfits. They are so sweet.
    And I love that you had Zachary trick-or-treat at your house! That is hysterical! And that was really the end of it for him? Does he not realize he could have had the whole bowl??? He is the sweetest. "Ask" for candy! Ha! That boy's got a lot to learn about being an obnoxious trick-or-treater like all the rest of 'em.

  2. Yay! No more mean computer!!! Hooray!!

  3. love the pumpkins and the fuzzy baby costumes! and how brilliant to have your little guy TorT at your house ;) We wandered around the neighborhood, maybe 10 houses, tops. It was a lot of fun, though!
