Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Midwesterners Cometh!

Guess who came to visit?

Those people I grew up with:

Some random people we picked up along the way (a.k.a. "The White Team"):


In short, the whole gang.

Despite the shortage of beds and bathrooms, despite the little bit of drama, despite the meltdowns, it was so, so nice to be together again.


  1. These are gorgeous pictures! Your family is so beautiful -- all of them! And you, my friend, look amazing. I send you virtual high-fives!

  2. haha, love the "white team". I think my hubby would be super offended if I tried to do that to him. Of course, he's the only one on the team in my family so far since i'm one of the only cousins born here in the US...
