Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The day after

So the election results are in, and out of respect for the Husband, I will only say, "Bravo" and give a demure little clap (you know, the kind that barely makes any noise). 

That said, I have to say that I'm envious of a lot of you, like Tanika, Laura, and Anandi, whose political discussions with their loved ones seem almost cozy and fun, not acrimonious and condescending.  Although the Husband doesn't try to engage me very often anymore (thanks, honey), occasionally I am still the recipient of the rantings of a man drunk off of Fox News.  If we really tried to discuss, it would most certainly end with a food fight -- not the good-natured kind, but an angry "I-will-grind-this-spaghetti-into-your-hair-in-such-a-way-that-you-will-be-washing-it-out-for-days-bwahaha" kind of fight.  Okay, I lie, we're not a food-fight type of couple, and the thought of wasting pasta makes me want to cry (but there is the random wet willy -- speaking of which, oh man, there was some serious saliva-based retaliation for writing this post).  It would be much more likely that one of us would end up being hospitalized for getting our eyeballs stuck in the back of our head from excessive, dramatic eye rolling.

Yet, despite our polar-opposite political views, strangely enough, I love this man.  There is absolutely no one that I'd rather be with.  Somehow, we make this work.

So maybe there's hope for our executive branch that still contains a divided Congress.  Maybe they'll be able to get past the bitterness and get to working together to get things done.  Maybe these next four years will be better than the last.  Surely, if the Husband and I can do it, they can too.  Right? 


  1. Not going to lie. It is pretty awesome to chat politics all night with someone who leans the way you do. Jon and I also know a ton of history so the conversations are always referring back to old elections.

    Easy to have fun when your candidate wins though. Have had some really bad elections.

  2. The fact that you guys have totally different political views, but manage to get along so well and be so happy and in love -- and make such beautiful babies -- is a real testament to the fact that your love is more important than anything else. So, again, love wins! I love it when that happens!

  3. Yeah, I think it's great that you guys have a good relationship that transcends political differences :)

    We don't actually have a lot of political discussions outside of election time, because hubby often chooses to argue "devil's advocate" without telling me, and then I get all riled up and wonder how the heck I married someone who thinks *that* and then I get mad because he's just arguing to argue. So we avoid that kind of discussion :) I will say that living with him for the past 10 years has really increased my libertarian leanings, though.

  4. Do you listen to This American Life? If not, get the app, and listen to No. 478, the one about Red States and Blue States. In Act 1, the whole thing is about people who have vastly different political views and how they handle it. Made me think of you and Rory, and how these people should take a page out of your book. The world would be a better place.

  5. I am always amazed at happy couples who have opposing political views, especially during election season.
