Friday, August 31, 2012

Something funny happened on my way back to sanity

A couple days ago, I decided to stop flailing about as if my head were independent of my body, and actually try to make sense of my children.  I was tired of being tired, of not knowing why they were taking turns torturing me, sleeping for only minutes at a time and crying for no reason.  Then I made the best twin-parenting move I've ever made (and trust me, there are literally two good moves to choose from):  I started documenting everything:  when they woke up, when they got cranky, when they ate, when they pooped...and lo and behold, a pattern emerged immediately.  I can't believe I had been treating them as a unit, expecting them to sleep at the same time if they were fed at approximately the same time, but duh, they're two separate people.

I am a dumbass.  Samantha and Conor, please forgive me.

Generally speaking, my children cry if they are hungry, tired, or poopy.  The first two happen at predictable times, although the times are different for each of them.  That means that during the last two days, I've been better able to anticipate their needs.  It also means my children are not trying to torture me.  Yet.

This knowledge has made me feel at least somewhat competent, and that is a damn good feeling.  It has also led to this:

Look, they're sleeping in their cribs!  At the same time!
Yes, I know he's supposed to sleep on his back. 

And look, they're sleeping on the couch!  At the same time!  (That blue blob at the top of the picture is Samantha.)  Did this sleep last for just minutes?  No!  They took real naps for 1-2 hours! 

Yep, still not sleeping on his back.
And look!  There's much less crying and much more alert and happy time! (You'll have to trust me that they're both happy - they didn't want to smile at the same time.)

I'm so glad I'm now getting it whole week before my maternity leave is over (insert dramatic eye roll here).


  1. I have SO many thoughts about this, but I am in the middle of invoicing and about to shoot myself, so I don't have time to say them all. But I just had to say that Samantha looks SOOO much like Zachary, it is amazing! And Conor is so frikkin' cute with that big smile -- I want to put him in a whole-wheat wrap and eat him up!!

  2. 1. I feel like a horrible friend, because I should have told you that organization and scheduling is KEY with multiples. With the boys I had a whole log for feedings/naps/pooping, etc., and it was a lifesaver. I also was a maniac about the schedule, to the point where people thought I was crazy. Oh well. I failed you. Forgive me.
    2. TWO HOURS of napping at once! YES! That makes *me* feel more rested!
    3. I put my kids on their bellies as soon as possible. They sleep so much better that way. And damn anyone who wants to make you feel guilty about it. Let them have to deal with a baby who keeps slapping himself in the face and waking up every 10 seconds. A**holes.
    4. Samantha still looks like Zachary with spiky hair. Conor's smile still cracks me up!
    5. I remember feeling like I was JUST getting the hang of things when it was like 10 days before I had to go back to work. Why is that?? Ugh! I feel your pain.
    6. Remember -- it just keeps getting better! One day, both babies will sleep through the night, sit up by themselves and be able to play/entertain themselves for several minutes at a time. Hang in there, girl! You're doing a great job!! Really!

  3. I now have a new appreciation for twin moms and their struggle. As far as letting a baby sleep on its belly, I definitely won't judge. Because both of my girls slept best this way and when you need a baby to sleep you do what you do! Besides that is the way they had my oldest sleep in the NICU and then had the nerve to tell me to not do it when I brought her home. Humph!
