Monday, August 20, 2012

2 Month Update

It occurred to me this morning that I've been failing miserably at using this blog for its intended purpose: to save me from having to keep a baby book.  So here's what's been going on.

Samantha:  My sweet little girl now weighs about 9 lbs, 5 oz, and thus has gained over three pounds since birth!  She started out vocal, often letting us know that she needed something -- anything -- although we often weren't sure what.  More recently, she's been trusting us to fill her needs, and really only loses her mind from 7 to 8 pm EVERY NIGHT.  She sleeps well at night, and might even sleep for four hours or more if we didn't insist on waking her up to eat with her brother every three hours.  During the day, she takes frequent naps of about 10 minutes or so, but if we're holding her, or better yet, sleeping with her, she'll sleep for two or three hours.  She reaches to grab things while lying on the play mat, and she often reaches them!  She's very content in the tub.  Her crazy spiky hair is no less spiky now that it's longer, and it's just as baby soft as ever.  She smells like candy.  She's also got a gorgeous smile that she just started flashing.  I can't wait to see more!

Conor:  My sweet little boy has one heck of an appetite and has overtaken his sister in weight.  He now weighs about 9 lbs, 8 oz, and has gained almost four and a half pounds since birth.  He started out crying only when he was hungry or poopy, but has since learned that he can get attention at any time if he wails a little bit.  He's also just recently started losing his mind from 9 to 10 nightly, but it's too soon to say if it's become a bad habit.  At night, he's up to eat every three hours like clockwork, and when he wants to eat, he wants to eat NOW!  During the day, he'll sleep for minutes at a time, unless he's being held in a carrier or being snuggled for a nap, during which times he'll sleep for around an hour.  He enjoys tub time and his blue pacifier.  He can roll over from his tummy to his back.  After he's been fed and had a nap, he flashes his wide smile easily and often.  And this week, he even started giving us an awesome throaty laugh.  He got shortchanged in the hair department, but he more than makes up for it in ridiculous cuteness.
Zachary:  I recently mentioned how he's been adjusting to his new brother and sister, and not much has changed.  He still needs more time with me, so I've been trying to have more "Mommy and Zachary Time."  I've also been putting him to bed more often (I had to stop for awhile because he started crying and whining for me to stay in his room until he fell asleep - he didn't have the same demands for dad).  At bedtime, we read books, and then turn out the lights and sing a few songs.  He's been asking me to make some up after he gives me the topic for the song.  Last night, we had songs based on "bulldozers and excavators," "running" and "watermelon."  The songs are always groundbreaking and clever if I do say so myself.  Take, for example, this song, based on Zachary's request for a "robot" song:

Zachary has a robot shirt
A robot shirt
A robot shirt
Zachary has a robot shirt
It goes "beep, beep, boop, boop."

Zachary has a robot shirt
It's gray and red
The robot shirt
Zachary has a robot shirt
It goes "beep, beep, boop, boop."

Am I good, or what? 

Roar:  Roar has been having two-a-day football practices for the last few weeks, and they're finally back to one-a-days.  He made the varsity team and is playing the linebacker position.  He's being challenged, and has had some setbacks, but ultimately, I think that these challenges are going to teach him to work harder. 

As for how he's handling his brother and sister, true to form, he's an awesome big brother.  Don't get me wrong, caring for babies is not his favorite thing, but he's loving and very helpful when we need him.  He gets bottles, feeds, burps, rocks, and swaddles -- he does everything but change poopy diapers because they make him want to vomit.  Therefore, we've made him change a couple just for some comic relief. 
The Husband:  Just one quick note -- This man is the disciplinarian, the enforcer.  But when he wakes up in the middle of the night every night for feedings, he always gives the babies kisses and tells them that he loves them.  We also have some very good conversations at 3 am, like this one from last night:

Husband: Do you know what's so contagious that you can catch it even through the tv?
Me: No.
Husband:  A yawn.
Me:  Oh.

These are days (and nights) to remember.


  1. So much goodness in one post!
    The hair!
    Awesome dad!

    And I will always remember the 3AM conversations with Jon.

  2. These babies are so frikkin' cute -- all of them! I love the one of them all in the crib, and little Rory peeking in! Awww. You are so blessed! Please post your watermelon song. Thanks.

  3. Hi. I'm a new fan and a friend of Tanika's. My favorite picture is the one of Roar and Samantha. Toooo cute. I am loving reading your blog. Congratulations on the newbies and the notsonewbies.
