Thursday, February 14, 2013

The twins are being twinny

I've told you on multiple occasions how completely different Samantha and Conor are.  Which is why I find it fascinating that these two reached two milestones at the same time in the last week.

First, they're both getting their first little teeth!  In the same spot, no less (the left-central incisor to be exact -- I know you were curious).  It's been bothering Conor a little more than Samantha, but neither of them are in great distress.  Or drooling like fiends.  Which is something to be thankful for.

Second, this last week they both learned how to go from lying down to sitting up on their own.  It is so cute to watch them lay on their bellies and then scoot slightly backward to fold their legs under them so that they can sit.  It's still new enough of a trick that if they're not occupied with something else at the time, they'll grin at me and look all proud at their accomplishments.  And often when I'm watching "The Conor, Samantha, and Zachary Show" at 5 a.m. (Eastern Time), I'll find Conor just sitting in his crib, looking around, until he gets tired of no one paying attention to him and he goes back to sleep.

So, if you didn't know it already, my kids are cute, sweet, and wonderful.  I hope it's not just the eight cups of coffee talking, but it seems like everyday, things are getting better.  And with the benefit of hindsight, I'm now feeling a little guilty about portraying newborn/infant twin parenting as completely awful, because really, it's only somewhat awful.  And sometimes it's really okay.  So I've made this chart in hopes that it will give a more accurate representation of how things have been for me.  As you'll see, we're over the hump of despair.  I hope this gives hope to some of you who have come here looking for some insight of how your life will be once your twins are born (yeah, I see you seein' me).  I really think it's gonna be okay.

Twin Parenting_edited-1

1 comment:

  1. This is hysterical --and on point. My favorite part: So help me, I will slap you if you don't give me that French fry. Hahahaa! So glad things are looking better for you, honey. And the good news is, it will get better and better -- and then worse again, actually, but then better again, so yay! This, I'm told, will happen throughout the course of their lives. So there's something to look forward to.
