Monday, February 4, 2013


My boss suggested to me the other day that I was lucky to have such doting parents.  It's true.  If I ever need anything from them -- a shoulder, a babysitter, a bank -- they've got my back. 

To be honest, these aren't the people I grew up with.  Time has made them softer, sweeter, more prone to hugs and giggles, and much more likely to allow dessert to be served four times per day.  But maybe that change wasn't the result of time; maybe it is the result of them no longer having to deal with a snide and sarcastic teenage daughter.


It was probably time.

At any rate, my kids are enamored with them, especially Zachary.  I know this because he has been asking me almost daily for the last couple of weeks if we can go to Parti and Parta's house.  He even asked our trusty daycare provider, Cindy, how to get to Iowa.  And he's told both me and the Husband that we need to get on a plane to go see them.  And sometimes, out of the blue, he'll just outright say it, like in this conversation we had on Friday morning:

Me:  Ha!  Zachary, look at your hair in the mirror!  It's craaaazy!
Zachary:  No it's not, it's pretty.  Like Parti.  Parti is pretty.  I love her.

All together now:  Awwwwwwww.  (I think it would also be fair and accurate to read into this conversation that Parti is perhaps a bit crazy.  :) )

But yes, I am lucky.  Cindy is going to be out of town this week, so of course mom flew out here to step in.  Zachary has been ecstatic that his best buddy is here.

I'm grateful that they have time to spend together, and that my mom has so much energy.  Within the first six hours of her being here, mom cleaned out my refrigerator and swept the floor about ten times.  And when we finally got some snow that looked like it might actually stick for the first time this season, she took Zachary out to experience it.



(Unfortunately, within a couple hours, the snow was melting.)


You know that saying?  The one that goes, "The only thing better than having you for parents is my kids having you for grandparents"?  It certainly applies here.  Mom and dad, I know I'm lucky, and I know I don't say "thank you" enough.  It just doesn't seem adequate.  But thank you.  For everything.  For always.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this post so much. I feel the same way about how much my kids love their Nana and Granddad. It is really, really very sweet.
    And that snowman photo sequence is the best thing I have ever, ever, ever seen. I literally laughed out loud, to the point where my co-workers were like, "Care to share?" But of course, I can't share that I'm reading a friend's blog when I'm supposed to be working. So I just said, "Sorry," in a quiet voice and pretended to look really serious and hard-working and industrious.
