Friday, February 22, 2013

I've seen my future...

...some of it is sweet, and to be honest, some of it is downright ugly.  First, the ugly:

People will not stop giving my husband free or cheap (like, under $1k) cars.  Being the bargain hunter that he is, he cannot say no.  And, let's be honest here:  The man has a problem.

In fact, that's how we ended up with this one that sits unattended in our garage:


And this one (free), which allowed us to give Roar a car long before I would've otherwise thought about doing so:


And then there is this one (under $1k) that he intends to sell at some point, but now just takes up space in our driveway:


Then the true ugly arrived this weekend (free -- thank God).   The Husband insists he can sell it either whole or in parts.  But the problem is that with all those cars and the two that we actually drive, we had no place to put it,  so now it sits in our backyard.  Isn't that...something?


So it looks like we're becoming Those People.  I don't want to be Those People.  Universe, please stop sending cars to my husband.  But if you really want to, please send him a cute little BMW Z3.  Or at least something that wouldn't even think about having flames.

But not all of my future looks so...unsightly.  In fact, there is some sweetness to it.  This morning, I caught a glimpse of my children, playing contentedly together. 


Actually, they were just playing in the same vicinity.  With no crying.  Despite the fact that they were playing with choking hazards.


You know it's been a challenge for us to have this many children so close together.  But I think that they're going to end up being very good friends.  How's that for a beautiful future?

Now, if only we didn't have cars parked in our yard...


  1. Do any of those cars work? Or have the potential to work? My sister is in dire need of a car -- like really, really bad. Let's talk.

  2. OMG, all those cars. We have a bit of an impractical vehicle collection too, so I feel you. But we're not getting them for free from the Universe. My hubby just hoards them. ;)

    but i do love the flames :D
