Monday, February 11, 2013

A friend-filled weekend

So, you already read my quick summary of what happened on Friday night.  Around the time I posted that, I was also excitedly searching Craigslist for a pool table, because as I told the Husband, I just looooooooove pool!  (about 4 too many beers, me thinks)

But the fun continued Saturday, because Tanika and her family came to visit!!  This was such a treat.  I've known Tanika for over three years, but I've only seen her once, at her baby shower before she had her twin boys.  We began communicating on an online forum for women who were trying to get pregnant; as a result, long before I knew her real name, I knew intimate details about her lady bits.  That makes for one unique relationship.

She has since become one of my dearest friends.  And that's why I was so excited to take baby Clair's one-year photos.  Not only did I get to do something I love, I got to see someone I love.  :)  Hanging out with her and her family was easy, just like I expected it would be.  At one point we had six kids ages two and under in my living room, and no one was melting down.  But the most endearing thing?  Tanika went into my refrigerator to get her child a cheese stick, like she'd been there a million times.  Love.

I have a TON of pictures, but I don't want spoil anything for Tanika, so I'll just give you some behind-the-scenes moments.

First, a gratuitous test shot of my little ones who were being so good, just marveling at (and maybe taking some bites out of) all of the new things that were in my room while my friend Jennifer and I were setting up:
Thank you, Anandi, for attempting to talk me through the making of that banner!
When he first saw me, Cary was so excited and was trying to tell me something...  all I really caught was him saying, "CookieHood."  Swoon!


Dean didn't really know what to think.  He just looked up at me with those huge brown eyes.  But by the end of the night, he knew all he needed to do was bat those eyes at me, and I was putty.  (Sorry about that extra juice box, Tanika and Lester)

(Zachary saw this picture on my computer last night, and I asked him who he saw. He said, "That's Bean!" I didn't correct him.)
Then there was the girl of the hour.  She instantly recognized me for the kind, beautiful, funny, and brilliant person that I am (she's got such good instincts, that one), and she had no problem with me just scooping her up.  That didn't mean she was going to smile in photos for me, because hey, you can't make her do what she doesn't wanna do.
Here she is getting in costume for the shoot.  (And there's Lester being the sweet, hands-on dad that he is.)


And here's Tanika making a mess of my place...


...and stealing some snuggles.


Cary ended up sneaking away from Lester and the Husband, who were supposed to be on toddler duty.  I think he sensed cake.


After the shoot was over, we ate and drank and chatted and just had a good time.  And before we knew it, it was time for them to leave.

When the evening was over, I asked Zachary if he had fun meeting his new friends.  He said, "Yes!  I want to do it again!" 

I do too, buddy.


  1. Jealous of your time together! But also awesome. And I can't wait to see the rest of the photos. Although you should tell Tanika I have no reason to come to Baltimore now to do photos if you're going to do them :P

    And did you know Anandi and I went to college together? That's our connection.

    1. Just come to Baltimore/DC so we can all four of us get together at Beth's house and drink orange juice and coconut rum cocktails! I love you, camera or no! And I want to see you. So bring your a**, LauraC!!!!

  2. This is the best blog post of all time!!! LOL!
    I love it. And I'm SO glad you weren't secretly fuming that I just went in your refrigerator like I lived there. Hahaha! I totally want people to do that when they're at my house, so I just do it without thinking, and later on I'm like, "Wait. Was that bad form?"
    I had sooo much fun with you! I had the best time, and it was over way too soon. I'm going to blog about it too, if ever I can get out of stupid meetings, so stay tuned for me to say all kinds of awesome things about you and yours. Also -- Bean -- HA!! I love it!
