Thursday, May 2, 2013


I have been so busy at work, so busy with babies, photography stuff, and cleaning, that I've been even more lax about posting.  (I haven't even had time to read blogs I love!)  And every time I go to post something that happened that day, I feel like I can't post until I catch up.  So then I end up posting nothing.  But I think I found the solution: You're going to get stuff out of order.  I'll start now.

Today I turned 38.  I'm not upset about that number.  I don't feel old.  I feel lucky to have what I have and who I have.  But it's not all good:  I feel tired and a bit lazy.  And fat.  I feel like I'm not taking care of myself. 

So this morning, I decided I would start 38 by exercising.  I was momentarily stymied (actually, I was stymied for almost an hour) as I weighed my need to exercise against my desire for a delicious Panera breakfast. 

I exercised.  Let's call that a win for 38.

An upside to fat:  Boobs.

Inside the box:  Awesome camera bag. 

Outside the box:  Silly boys, balloons, a somewhat messy (but oh-so-delicious) brownie and chocolate mousse dessert courtesy of the Husband and Roar, and lots and lots of tulips.


  1. Happy Birthday!! I'm right behind you, next month!

    Love that you're in all these photos and that they made you a chocolaty dessert!!

  2. Happy birthday! Glad to see you in front of the camera instead of behind it!

  3. How did I miss your birthday?!? I feel terrible! Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people! You look like you had a great day and I'm so happy to see happy, smiling pictures of beautiful you! Also, I am jealous of your boobs, your brownie/mousse deliciousness and your exercising.
