Friday, April 5, 2013

I don't know when this happened

...but apparently now I cannot speak without the use of visual aids, and my Mac -- the only one my memory card is formatted for -- has been out of commission.  So therefore, I cannot tell you about our recent family ventures outside of our house.  And not just to the Costco, mind you, but to fun and fabulous places like the National Zoo and Spring City, Pennsylvania.  I also can't tell you about the surprise arrival of Parti and Parta.


The plan is to get the Mac fixed this weekend, and then I'll be able to speak again.  I know, I know, you've missed me.  Just a little longer, sweeties.

Have a great weekend!


  1. This is the saddest little blog post of all time. Let's chat by e-mail or gchat, shall we? I need to know what's going on with you, since you are half-a$$ing your blog these days.

  2. ooh, Tanika is just going to tell it like it is, huh? ;)

    Good luck with the Mac-fixing. Maybe you should get a PC instead!
