Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I'm Boring Myself

I started writing this post in my mind on multiple occasions.  I couldn't bring myself to write it, however, because it's just so damn boring.  Here's the gist:  Even though it's been almost a month since the babies were born, things are still difficult. 'Nuff said.
This is what the lack of sleep does to my husband.
And with that, here are some pictures to catch you up on what's been happening over the last couple of weeks.

The babies had their first sponge bath at home:
This picture makes me so happy! Samantha, I'm laughing with your 'fro, not at it.
Parti and Parta were here for three weeks and just left on Saturday.  During that time, Parta got over his fear of fragile babies.  Somewhat.

 Parti spent a lot of time making sure Zachary didn't feel ignored.

This was the view from my post-partum bedrest.
She still managed to spend a lot of time with the babies, clean my house, and make dinner nightly.  Show off.

 The babies turned three weeks old but remained tiny (both are still under 7 lbs):

 Zachary played "slam dunk" in his new pool:

And Roar went to a leadership camp at Yale and had a great time.  The first thing he said about his experience at arguably the best school in the country:  "The food was good!"  
He LOVES when his mama takes pictures of him.
Nonna and Pop are here this week to help (pictures to come), and then I'm on my own.  Heaven help me.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! You can do it!! The first few months with twins is HELL (as well as Heaven) and you have already logged one month down! See? One foot in front of the other; one feeding; one nap; one good cry after another. That's how this gets done.
    Samantha's hair CRACKS me up! It is so epically cute! I have never in my life seen baby hair so amazing.
    And Conor makes my heart melt. That is the sweetest little face and tiniest little hand. OH -- how I want to gobble your babies. They are perfect.
    And YOU will lick this. You will.
