Sunday, June 24, 2012

One Week Birthday

Two blissfully sleeping babies + Camera within reach of my bed = One-week birthday impromptu photo shoot!

(Please ignore the uncoordinated outfits and focus on the fact that I missed a napping opportunity for this.)


  1. Adorable! Adorable!! Adorable!!!
    I love them when they're all curled up like that, resting on their balled hands, so angelically. Oh, someone knew what He was doing when He made babies know just how to do that so perfectly! Especially when you're at your sore-and-sleep-deprived wits' end, that sleeping cuteness does just the trick!
    And I love the one of Zachary, looking over his little siblings, like their protector! Sooo cute!
    How are you, Momma? I hope you got to sleep for at least three hours! Been thinking so much about you!

  2. More photos please!! I'm going into cuteness withdrawal!!!
