Sunday, December 2, 2012

Merry Christmas to meeeeeeeeeee!

Omigosh omigosh omigosh.

I finished my first photography class, and to celebrate, the Husband gave me an awesome early Christmas present:  A new lens for my camera!

I am swooning over here.  Swooning, I say!  Behold my favorite models:



Still much to learn, and tons of fancy equipment that I'm coveting, but man oh man, I am so happy right now.

(Thanks so much to Laura for teaching me how to get around Blogger's photo storage limits!  Hugs!)


  1. Fun to have a new lens right???? Which one did you get?

    1. This one:

      Relatively cheap, but what a difference a new lens can make! Love, love, love the bokeh!

  2. These are absolutely beautiful!!! (And the photos ain't half bad either!) Will you teach me how to take better photos please? I have been saying for years now that I was going to get a real camera and take real pictures, but you see how that's worked out. (Hello iPhone pics? Why do you suck so bad?)

  3. I am impressed that you were able to get such a close up of a teenager smiling. Tell me how you do it cause when my teenager sees me coming sans camera all I get is a scowl.

    The pictures, the models, the lens... great, great, great. I am sooooo jealous.

  4. LOVE these! Esp the first one - wow. Nice job, mama.

    And yes, the coincidences on our birth year/months and dad's birth year/months are a little freaky. I think about things like that too :)

    I think I have the equivalent lens for my Canon and never use the kit lens now!
